SAVE BRITNEY SPEARS-from matt gaetz

FLORIDAman- Matt Gaetz indulges TAXPAYER time and money to travel 1st class to LA making a SOAP BOX plea for a millionaire Pop Diva on courthouse steps.

It’s not as if Florida isn’t dealing with Covid, collapsing apartments, poverty or rising sea levels.

Gaetz pours himself into the same intestinal mold of our former Reichstag dictator, maybe Trump is his baby daddy?

A father – son ice sculpture (reveal party) for Matt’s indictment would be cool, in an imploding toilet sort of way.

Florida-centric taxpayer projects would benefit from authentic Congressional attention-
yet Britney and Taxpayers ponder the self-serving entitlement antics of Man-child blabbermouth- offering worthless opinions to Hollywood elites.

Reality entertainment would have been Britney telling her many fans – creepy weirdos like Gaetz are what caused her problems in the first place.

Britney should have challenged Gaetz- by starting a defense fund for young girls he took advantage of.

Britney- ask Floridaman “what exactly has he done for impoverished kids in his hometown?
Is Floridaman concerned about struggling women (Congressguy paid) on PIMP web sites- turning to porn -for living wages?

Proud of failure and smug about – ROTTEN MAGA STENCH!

Way to grift the public and turn a sick pampered life… into a shaming house of mirrors- against female victims.

A reporter in LA asked Gaetz- if he was vaccinated??? Floridaman said, “none of your business.”

A dimwitted congressman… cruising Hollywood…

“ACTING” involved with- what isn’t Florida business-or any genuine concern of his.

John Thomas
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