Here are some testimonials and comments from a few of our thousands of satisfied Humor Times magazine subscribers.

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As a child I watched from our hotel room in 1974, Nixon’s last helicopter ride out of Washington, DC — I have been equating those within the beltway with humor ever since. Political cartoons reveal so much more than a typical article in Bloomberg can ever offer — thanks to this Humor Times gift subscription for my buddy, she will be grinning much more often!
— Neil L, Pinckneyville, IL
The best paper I’ve ever read!
— Jerry B, Georgetown KY
Recently I subscribed to the Funny Times, and, today, I am comparing it to the Humor Times. To me, the Humor Times is notably qualitatively better than Funny Times … keep up the good work!
— Barry F, Oklahoma City, OK
Love your choice of artists and material!
— Clarene L., Sacramento, CA
I am knocked out by what a great product your periodical, Humor Times, is. I have always been a big fan of editorial/political cartoons — that’s ’cause editorial cartoons can be the quickest, most effective, and best way to get across an idea. Plus, they can even be funny! So, I would like to renew some gift subscriptions and start new ones, 20 in all!
— Barry F., Oklahoma City, OK
Warning: The Humor Times can be dangerous to your health. I almost died laughing!
— Rep. Alan Grayson, (D-FL 9th)
I really look forward to these Humor Times issues!
— Charles W., Port Huron, MI
I saw a copy of your Humor Times magazine at work and I had many good laughs — I really enjoyed the many funny cartoons! It’s a good antidote for this crazy world of lies. I’d like a subscription, so I’m sending a check. I look forward to your comedy; the issue I saw made my day — thanks!
— Ron H., McKinleyville, CA
I am writing today to tell you, as a longtime humor fan, how much I enjoy your publication. I just recently came upon an issue at the Barnes & Noble in Albany, NY. I like the fact that you prominently feature cartoons and humor writing when it seems to be disappearing from other publications.
— Paul A., Hudson, NY
I think it is a wonderful newspaper and is one of only three news sources for me. The other two are John Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Thanks!
— Ray E., Sacramento, CA
I enjoy the Humor Times. I love the cartoons. They keep me up-to-date on our laughable political episodes and other goings on for the month. I love the columns in the paper.
— Lila M., Phoenix, AZ
I love your publication so much I’m giving it to my brother and his wife for Christmas. Keep on doing such a great job!
— Terri L., Sacramento, CA
I thoroughly enjoy the Humor Times and usually sit down and read it from cover to cover the moment it arrives. Thank you for producing such an entertaining publication!
— Raymond Comeau, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
It’s so important to be able to laugh really hard at this crazy world, and the nuts that are ruining it. This is first class sarcasm on every page…what a relief from the awful realities the rich and powerful subject us to. This is a publication to keep me from just going postal!!!
– Dave Lucas, Chico, CA
I enjoy reading the latest issue of the Humor Times magazine. Every month the HT pulls together the best political cartoons of the month. This month’s cartoons even made me laugh about the tragedy unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s a breath of fresh air, a blast of comic relief. It’s educational and just plain fun. Like its motto says… don’t cry about the news, laugh about it, with the Humor Times!
– Tom T.
I love Humor Times magazine! I buy it for myself and my siblings. I firmly believe that political cartoons and satire address politics in a way no other media can match. With the daily newspapers dropping out of the game, The Humor Times is the best way to get that laser-like focus on the pressing issues of the day.
– Hubert R., from Sacramento, CA
I love this magazine! If you like political humor, you’ll dig it too! It’s kind of like the “Daily Show” (Comedy Central) in print. Tons of the best editorial cartoons, humor columns and even a very funny “fake news” section. Also plenty of non-political cartoons. More politically targeted than Funny Times, it is well worth the cheaper price! Great stuff!
– John E., Blacksburg, VA
I enjoy the Humor Times for traveling and toilet sitting… and lecturing about my specialty of maternal and child health nutrition and pediatric gastroenterology. You all have a great eye for timely and edgy cartoons. You must have a super collection that you keep on file to launch as needed. Let me know your secret.
– Frank F., MD, Ph.D.
I want to commend you for your commitment to the cause and sharing the humor of it all with so many for so long! I know our friends who we gifted the subscriptions to will be very appreciative!
– Cata J., No. San Juan, CA
I got hooked on it when I had to take my wife to UC Davis Medical Center every month. I now wait breathlessly for each edition of HT in the mail. Good work!
– Leni B., Sacramento, CA
I’m impressed! Biting, creative, funny. Thanks again.
– Luray C., Clayton, NC
The Humor Times is always welcome, always enjoyed, and a necessary break from the evils of the corporate media.
– Bruce H., Salinas, CA
On a recent trip to San Francisco, I slipped on one of your papers (funnier than the quintessential banana peel). In an attempt to get even, I’d like to order a 2 year subscription (that’ll teach ya!). I’ve included some extra $ to accommodate extra shipping costs, or just to add to the crappy coffee fund. Thanx!
– Anton R., Chimacum, WA
I have read your paper for many years and find it very, very to the current point. It is my pleasure to subscribe to your paper.
– Roy L., Sacramento, CA
I am an avid reader of editorial cartoons and was so happy to have come across your paper at a local café in Benicia. I just subscribed and am looking forward receiving your paper at home.
– Regards, Clare R., Benicia, CA
Please renew my subscription. Great & goodly funny job you are doing. Well done! And a rare, good use of print media.
– Henry, Foster City, CA
I just read [your paper] and it was my first exposure to you. You guys are totally awesome in that you merely tell the truth, which would otherwise not be so funny! Thanks for the rare glimpse of some actual ‘Freedom of the Press’ in action!
– Bob M., Sacramento, CA
Please renew us! I share my copies with a friend who really enjoys them. Thanks for helping keep us sane!!
– Bev E., San Francisco, CA
I was shown a copy of your paper, and I loved it so much, I subscribed right away! Now I can’t wait, anxiously watching my PO Box for each issue that I know will contain some of the best political/current affairs humor I’ve ever read!
– Capt. Frank M., Bitburg Airbase, Germany
I want to commend you for a job well done. I’ve been a fan since issue #1!
– Kristen D., Sacramento, CA
Very grateful for your paper, it helps keep me sane & reasonably balanced in this insane world.
– Mike H., Madison, WI
I think your comic paper is so outstanding!
– Kristine L., Folsom, CA
With your paper, you can play a part in restoring the values upon which this nation was founded.
– John L., Blacksburg, VA
I seldom have the time to read [the whole] morning paper… With information in cartoon comic form, we catch up on current events quickly… Your amalgamation of humor and drawing styles hits all the right chords and is truly crazy and funny!
– Bill S., Sacramento, CA
You make the world a better place!
– Rene S., Seattle, WA
Please pardon the photocopy [of the subscription form], but I just couldn’t clip the coupon, which has a cartoon on the reverse. I cherish and save every copy of Humor Times. I wish to purchase a gift subscription for my dear friend and good wife – they can sure use the humor that you bring them. Please also extend my own subscription!
– Raymond C., New Brunswick, Canada
I really enjoy each issue. Thank heaven for political cartoons! I love the Humor Times!
– Kathleen B., San Mateo, CA
I have enjoyed your paper for years. Please keep it up!
– Laura L., Atlanta, GA
I don’t smile or laugh much these days, with what’s happening in the world. But after reading your paper, it had me roaring! It’s great, to put it mildly. Thank you very much!
– Fran M., Bloomfield, CT
Kudos to you, sir, for ‘Humor Times,’ the very best publication on planet Earth!
– Robert H., Ret. USAF, aged 77, MA
LOVE IT!! Hope you have GREAT success!
– Mary E., Elkton, FL
Thanks for your commitment and for all the laughs!
– C.J., North San Juan, CA
We all enjoy the comic relief, as we are being swindled and horn swaggled by our leaders and the power elite.
– John Y., Milwaukie OR
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