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BREAKING NEWS: The vast majority of Humboldt County’s voters are NOT Republicans, regardless of what your hapless, hopeless, local (probably racist) redneck relatives may think. Turn off Fox “News” already, great-grandmas and great-grandpas.
Long-time Republican and George W. Bush backer Virginia Bass from Eureka should resign immediately! Virginia Bass, who is an outgoing conservative Humboldt County Supervisor who chose not to run for re-election this year, can be reached directly at (707) 476-2394. Tell Bass to resign now! The vast majority of Eureka’s voters want Bass out. Let her know.
The political rumor currently circulating regarding Bush backer Virginia Bass is that she foolishly believes she actually has a legitimate chance of running for higher office successfully in 2024, for State Assembly specifically (after Jim Wood will reportedly thankfully retire after being basically useless).
But of course as you are no doubt already well aware, conservative Virginia Bass did not run for re-election to the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors because it is widely believed Bass would have lost badly in a matchup against Natalie Arroyo.
The fact that Virginia Bass’ handpicked, well-funded Republican successor Mike Newman was completely crushed on June 7, defeated by Democrat Natalie Arroyo in a landslide victory that left no doubt that after decades of local conservative corruption and mismanagement, not only Eureka but Humboldt County at large is Democratic Party territory, electorally speaking. GOP be gone.
Get lost, Virginia Bass, and show some class for once in your blatantly corrupt political life by graciously allowing the people’s choice Democrat Natalie Arroyo to begin on the job early at the Board of Supervisors. Ms. Bass, you don’t need the paycheck. Resign now!

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Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

John V Thomas
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Signed: Jake Pickering