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Let’s face it, real Americans. Attempting to reason with the fundamentally unreasonable, superstitious and psychotic misogynists who are in full political control of the dying and demoralized Republican Party is a fool’s errand. The time for talk and civil discussions ended years ago thanks to traitor Trump, so deal with reality, folks, the GOP must go away!
November 8, 2022 is the start date for this particularly patriotic project. America-loving Democrats, Independents, Third Partiers, and even disgruntled pre-Trump Republicans must coalesce to deliver a devastating defeat to the Trumptarded greedy old perverts of the GOP.
This must be one for the history books. Send the racist, Russian-controlled Republican Party the way of the Whigs and the Federalists, straight into the political abyss where they belong, never to return as a foreign fascist threat to American democracy again.
Speaking of the abyss, no matter how you may feel about the Democratic Party, it is an incontrovertible fact that the ONLY organization preventing right-wing Republican anti-Christian conservative charlatans from destroying America is the Democratic Party. The ridiculous Republican Party loves deranged dimwit Donald Trump who hates America. Deport Donald to Moscow already!
Just like in the days of the biblical Exodus from Egypt, the GOP worships a gorged golden calf and God and Moses are not pleased. Divine punishment is on its way to your doorsteps and you deserve it, Republicans. Instead of brainwashed, delusional, incompetent Red State redneck sociopaths constantly blaming those of us who live in Blue States (who pay your bills) for the fact that Red States are by far the worst places to live and least desirable locales in the United States, how about your so-called leaders in the Red States resign from office instead?
Do the U.S. a favor! Give your intelligent young people in Red States a real reason to stay there by jettisoning the slack jawed local yokels currently in charge of your dysfunctional, criminal Red State regimes. At this point, most of those low-IQ, severely inbred Ku Klux Klan members with freakishly deformed faces like Picasso paintings currently occupying public office as so-called “conservative” (AKA fascist) politicians in the culturally and economically backwards Republican-controlled Red States should adopt the Japanese tradition of hari kari immediately.
Kill yourselves, dishonorable anti-American fascists! Show some courage for once in your worthless, cowardly conservative lives. YOU ARE TO BLAME. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. And as such, you can also choose to be the solution. Take yourselves out, before we the people take care of you politically on November 8th. For the United States of America to live, the Republican Party must die in 2022. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

John Thomas
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