On Going the Distance

Dear Editor:

If Rep. Paul Gosar is serious about “distancing” himself from white supremacists,
the easiest (if not best) way to do it without leaving the state of Arizona is to move
from Flagstaff to Nogales, which is 95% Hispanic. If for some reason that doesn’t
appeal to him, he should relocate to Dalton, GA, which is almost 54% Hispanic–a
move that may endear him to local residents, many of whom show signs of being
dissatisfied with their Congressional representative, despite her telegenic presence.
A third alternative would be to resign his seat, return to his alma mater (Creighton)
in Omaha, and work as an unpaid volunteer at the Dr. Betty Shabazz Community
Center, adjacent to the Malcolm X Birthplace Memorial, for the rest of his life, to
insure that prejudice, bigotry, and political demagoguery alike shall perish from
the earth. If that’s too much to ask, he can just drive up to the South Rim of the
Grand Canyon and stare into the abyss, until it stares back at him, and takes the
plunge; which by all means may be necessary for Dr. Gosar to do the right thing.

John V Thomas
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Signed: Dennis Rohatyn