The Humor Times Review

The Humor Times Review (Brace Yourselves)

As if it matters I finally had the opportunity of reading the Sacramento, CA publication of the Humor Times. Please forgive me, I’m only 38 and have been spending most of my adult life curving my ex-boyfriends of the past present and future and their many attempts to exploit and kill me. The Humor times is the most informative, noo I’m not going insane, the politics of America really is shitty resource guide.

Starved and looking for a good read I came across the publication on a limited time free magazine stand located at the Carver School Rd branch library of Winston-Salem, N.C. I had the opportunity of reviewing the last years of our countries what the hell is going on moments. What did I learn or what did I miss?
#1 I didn’t miss a damn thing
#2 The articles did remind me that our country focus’s more on greed and who has the upper hand. Not to mention the losing race war including the human race. What matters the most is the safety and well being of mankind.

Thank You Humor Times for your entertaining, thought provoking, educational, and inspiring news letter.


John Thomas
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