R.I.P. Middle Class: An Editorial Cartoon Odyssey

Remember the “Middle Class”?

The administration is touting a strong “recovery”…

middle recovery

but its robustness is debatable.

middle labor day

The GOP says there’s still too much fat…

middle jesus

and even Democrats assure us Wall Street is reformed.

middle casino

Fast food workers are getting fed up…

middle fast food

and just want a fair shake.

middle fast food

Sure, the recovery seems slow…

middle thrill

but it’s working very well for some.

middle takers


See more of our running series, the News in Cartoons: The news, presented in cartoon form. A running narrative connects editorial cartoons by various artists on a given subject. Enjoy, and please share, using the social media buttons below!


Excerpt from an article on the decline of the middle class from infowars.com:
Once upon a time the United States had the largest and most vibrant middle class in the history of the world. The rest of the globe looked at us in envy and wondered what we were doing right. But now everything seems to be going wrong for the middle class. Millions of our jobs have been shipped out of the country and competition for the remaining jobs is keeping wages at depressed levels. Meanwhile, the cost of living just keeps going up and up and middle class budgets are being stretched and strained like never before. Millions more Americans fall out of the middle class and into poverty every single year, and government dependence is at an all-time high.
Some statistics:
1. According to the Pew Research Center, 61 percent of all Americans were “middle income” back in 1971.  Today, only 51 percent of all Americans are.
2. The Pew Research Center has also found that 85 percent of middle class Americans say that it is harder to maintain a middle class standard of living today compared with 10 years ago.
3. 62 percent of middle class Americans say that they have had to reduce household spending over the past year.
4. The average net worth of a middle class family in America was $129,582 in 2001.  By 2010 that figure had dropped to $93,150.
5. According to the Federal Reserve, the median net worth of all families in the United States declined “from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010“.
6. Back in 1970, middle income Americans brought home 62 percent of all income in the United States.  In 2010, middle income Americans only brought home 45 percent of all income.
7. After you adjust for inflation, median family income in the United States has fallen by about 6 percent since the year 2000.
8. Real median household income has decreased by more than 4000 dollars since Barack Obama entered the White House.
9. Amazingly, more than half of all Americans are now at least partially financially dependent on the government.
10. In 1970, 65 percent of all Americans lived in “middle class neighborhoods”.  By 2007, only 44 percent of all Americans lived in “middle class neighborhoods”.
Editorial Cartoons