My Country, ‘Tis of Me

Donald Trump as The JokerA poem by Donald A. Ranard

My country, ’tis of me
Sweet land of DJT
Of me I sing
Land where my cronies thrive
Land of neo-Nazi pride
From every mountainside
Let Trumpdom ring!

My country, ’tis of me
Sweet land of DJT
Of me I sing
Land freed of refugees
And commie enemies
Across the whole country
Let Trumpdom ring!

My country, ’tis of me
Sweet land of DJT
Of me I sing
My bestie Vladimir
Will conquer with no fear
Across the hemisphere
Let Trumpdom ring!

My country, tis of me
Sweet land of DJT
Of me I sing
No one else on earth
Can match my bigly worth
Across the universe
Let Trumpdom ring!

Donald A. Ranard’s writing–serious, satirical, and silly–has appeared in The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Light, New World Writing Quarterly, Vestal Review, Gargoyle, and elsewhere. His work has been listed in Wigleaf’s Top 50 Very Short Fictions and anthologized in The Best Travel Writing. In 2022, his prize-winning play, ELBOW, APPLE. CARPET. SADDLE. BUBBLE., was performed by Veterans Repertory Theater in Cornwall, New York.

Humor Times