The Route Not Taken

Two roads diverged on my Google Maps,
And sorry I could not go where both led
Google Maps routeAnd drive one Tesla – lousy app! –
I looked down one as shown on my lap
To where it merged with a line of red.

Then took the yellow route (with other souls),
As having perhaps the better claim,
Because it lacked traffic and wanted tolls;
Though as for that some huge pot holes
Had made them both equally lame.

Each GPS gave a similar display
In reds and yellows (but little green).
Oh, I kept the crimson for another day!
Yet knowing how Waze leads on to Waze
I doubted the same route would reappear on my screen.

I shall be telling this with such glee
Somewhere later when stopped for gas:
Two apps proposed divergent roads, and me,
I took the one with the lower fee,
And that let me use my EZPass.

Howard Zaharoff