A Poem: On the Arrival of Ebola in New York

Regarding the first case of Ebola in New York

New York Ebola


The first case of Ebola in New York does not make New Yorkers ebollient.

I suspect it’s because it can’t be stopped with some virus-fighting emollient,

Or removed from skin where fluids have been by a seriously strong exfoliant.


We didn’t believe or couldn’t conceive it would really arrive from West Africa,

But now that it’s here it has added a fear to long ticket lines, taxes, and traffica.


“Don’t fear, New Yorkers, we’ve got it contained,” the city exclaims quite emphatically.

“Our care is the best, we’re fighting the pestilence promptly and very hazmatically.”


They have drilled ad nauseum, and without a pauseum have trained each doctor and nurse.

So be reassured, everyone will get cured, there’s been plenty of time to rehearse.

And to those in the city: It’s only this ditty…that’s going from bad to verse.


Caryl Avery
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