‘Deep State’? Or Is It More Likely a ‘Deep Oligarchy’?

Another not-so-funny article: “Deep State” vs “Deep Oligarchy”

The right has made much ado about there being a “Deep State” — a massive and deeply underground unification of different government agencies all bent on curtailing our freedoms. The interesting thing is that in past decades, typical rhetoric during Republican rule has mocked such ideas, like during the 1980’s, when we all believed that the CIA was all seeing and all knowing. In our modern times, the right has used the same method to try and dethrone Obama and anyone adhering to similar ideas as his.

Deep State or Deep OligarchyNow the opposite is happening. FOX pundits and far rightists are claiming that a “Deep State” is attempting to subvert our way of live and to subject us even with Trump at the helm. The ironic thing about this claim is that these ideas are more that likely an attempt by a “Deep Oligarchy” to try to subvert the government of the United States itself. And it is working!!!

The Right is rolling out a red carpet to taking over governmental agencies with this story of a hidden government at the Federal level. But who is putting forth these accusations? How about those corporations and wealthy, power seeking individuals who would profit from a major decline in governmental oversight. The Koch brothers, the pharmaceutical, oil, and energy companies, cattle ranchers and all other moneyed entities that would dominate the U.S. both economically and juridically if they could. Also Trump and his supporters are accusing the FBI and CIA of being such due to their investigations of him.

This “Deep Oligarchy” would explain a lot of things- the viscous attacks on people like Elisabeth Warren who has not done a thing to harm anyone but to make sure that regulations are in place to protect the average citizens. From out of nowhere nasty campaigns have come about to discredit her and taint her character. Nasty maligning of left wing candidates and individuals supporting needed change or limiting moneyed interests have come under attack almost with the viciousness the Nazi’s used to disown anyone (especially Jews) who were not in lock step with their plans.

A Deep Oligarchy was seemingly behind the quick demise of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The title of this wrongly named movement brought out a lot of protectors of the monetary status quo to squelch it before it really did occupy the only street in America that many phony patriots care about. ( The name Occupy Wall Street was probably a mistake, giving the organization too aggressive sounding.) The right was quick to denounce and slander them with every button pushing name they could think of -communists, radicals , terrorists, socialists. etc. without ever recognizing that they were voicing the sentiments that may housewives, school teachers and regular citizens were finding.

At any rate, the Deep Oligarchy has found an outlet and a savior in the pimple known as Donald Trump. Although declaring himself an Interdependent he has become the Fuhrer for the billionaire class. The amazing thing is that he has succeeded in doing it in the way that corrupt socialist leaders have succeeded in doing it in eastern Europe and Latin America- by wooing the working class and poor.

Roger Freed