The Billionaires Behind School Privatization

The ultra-rich love to enact their extremist right-wing policy, including with school privatization. If you’re trying to enact an extremist right-wing policy, but the public keeps rejecting it, … Read more

Why the GOP is Becoming a Rabid Clique of Political Veterinarians

The GOP is conceding that they are now captives of a rabid clique of ideological extremism and outright nutballism. Ohio voters scored a big election victory for women’s … Read more

Follow the People to an FDR-Style Agenda

Polls show Americans are for an FDR-style agenda: percolate-up economics works; trickle-down does not. Usually, the Powers That Be swat away the kind of big-ticket, FDR-style reforms our … Read more

Help the Billionaires Fund

Help the Billionaires Fund

Donate to the Billionaires Fund today and help support America’s poor wealthy! These are the faces of the three Sackler brothers whose OxyContin-selling company Purdue Pharma is facing … Read more

Health Care for People… or for Corporate Profits?

The decades-long struggle to ensure decent health care as a human right is up against greed’s eternal struggle for ever-higher corporate profits. When grassroots groups rise up against … Read more

What’s Scaring the Bejeezus out of Billionaires in the 2020 Campaign?

There’s a new political army on the march in America, moving forcibly into the 2020 campaign. There’s a new political army on the march in America, moving forcibly … Read more
