Going from Democracy … to Plutocracy … and Now to Kleptocracy

Oh, the tragic plight of our nation’s downtrodden multibillionaire class! They want their kleptocracy! One group of oppressed Americans has become especially outspoken this election year, contending that … Read more

Supreme Thieves Disguised in Robes of ‘Justice’

The Court’s six right-wing “Supreme Thieves” have turned what’s meant to be a citadel of democracy into a Republican rubber stamp for plutocracy. Barry Goldwater, considered a right-wing … Read more

Once Again Congress Exposes Its Butt-Ugly Morality

Chicken Little Democrats are a subset whose members call themselves moderates, but whose ethics are as butt-ugly as the Republicans’. Here they come again — the usual butt-ugly … Read more

Taking On Monopoly Power

“Free market” is just a rhetorical deceit that means monopoly power is free to lock down the market. From our school years forward, the Holy Keepers of the … Read more

Republican Supremes Defrocking Themselves

The extremist Republican Supremes now in control have been busy denying that they are a bunch of partisan hacks. Too bad they actually are! Ralph Waldo Emerson told … Read more

The Deadly Economic Disease Behind COVID-19

Our country’s present “economic disease” is not simply caused by a sudden viral outbreak but by severe, decades-long plutocratic policies. In this horrible time of economic collapse, it … Read more

Health Care for People… or for Corporate Profits?

The decades-long struggle to ensure decent health care as a human right is up against greed’s eternal struggle for ever-higher corporate profits. When grassroots groups rise up against … Read more

Where Trump’s Kakistocracy Can Find a Good Farm Policy

Trump is running a kakistocracy that can’t do anything right, and that includes farm policy. Government by the rich is called plutocracy. Government by police power is autocracy. … Read more

Why Would We Trust Plutocrats to Save Us from Plutocracy?

Forgive me for not believing for a moment that there’s one iota of sincerity in this sudden assertion of egalitarian sentiment by today’s plutocrats. Ralph Waldo Emerson once … Read more
