How to Guarantee a Train Wreck

Who would’ve thought that in these modern times of digital monitoring of everything, a train wreck could spew a toxic fireball? Stuff happens, right? A train wreck here … Read more

Let’s Admit It: The Supreme Court is Corrupt and Clueless

There’s nothing supreme about the six-pack of corrupt and clueless far-right-wing political activists currently on the Court. Question: How many legs does a dog have if you count … Read more

The Shame of Modern Corporate Management

Modern corporate management awards zero “productivity points” for thinking, conferring with colleagues, listening to customers, etc. For generations, workers have been punished by corporate bosses for watching the … Read more

Trucker Shortage: Drivers Are Hijacked by Immoral Corporate Bosses

The trucker shortage isn’t due to COVID restrictions, it’s because they are underpaid, overworked and dehumanized. The recent traffic-clogging protests in Canada, Washington, D.C., Europe and elsewhere by … Read more
