Trucker Shortage: Drivers Are Hijacked by Immoral Corporate Bosses

The trucker shortage isn’t due to COVID restrictions, it’s because they are underpaid, overworked and dehumanized. The recent traffic-clogging protests in Canada, Washington, D.C., Europe and elsewhere by … Read more

Anti-Quarantine Protestors Express Frustration Over Shutdowns

Anti-Quarantine Protestors Express Frustration Over Shutdowns

Encouraged by Trump, anti-quarantine protestors demand action. Right-wing advocates Ander Anderson and Roger Dolt were two of the protestors present at an anti-quarantine demonstration held today in Hicksburg, … Read more

Who’s Behind the Increasing Suppression of Your Right to Protest?

Multinational corporations have been quietly colluding with legislators and governors to suppress the right to protest. As British playwright and political rabble-rouser George Bernard Shaw noted, “You don’t … Read more

A Bawdyhouse of Bad Right-Wing Ideas, Including Big Fees on Public Protests

Latest right-wing atrocity would snuff out your Constitutional right to free speech and assembly by putting an exorbitant fee on public protests. Ideally, elections are about ideas. In … Read more

‘Take a Knee and Bow Down to Guns’: Latest Edition of HT’s FREE App!

‘Take a Knee and Bow Down to Guns’: Latest Edition of HT’s FREE App!

Now available on our free Humor Times “News in Cartoons” app, the new edition: “Take a Knee and Bow Down to Guns.” In the latest edition of the … Read more
