Calming Psoriasis in an Election Year: Top 10 Remedies for The 4 Year Itch!

Calming Psoriasis in an Election Year: Top 10 Remedies for The 4 Year Itch!

Getting past imperfect election year Presidential & VP nominees & The 4 Year Itch! Top 10 Remedies to Calm Psoriasis in an Election Year! 10. Move to Canada! … Read more

Johnson Introduces ‘Comprehensive’ Immigration Bill

Johnson Introduces ‘Comprehensive’ Immigration Bill

GOP House prepares hard-line comprehensive legislation for new president. Addressing the chamber he heads, House Speaker Mike Johnson outlined the provisions of H.R. 01-06-21, which he promised would … Read more

Mike Johnson’s First News Conference: Pledges Inaction

Mike Johnson’s First News Conference: Pledges Inaction

In first news conference, new House Speaker promises to do nothing at all unless the IRS stops harassing his rich friends. On Thursday, newly-minted House Speaker Mike Johnson … Read more
