Trump Screams in the Night after Watching Biden Get Laughs, Cheers & VOTES!

Trump Screams in the Night after Watching Biden Get Laughs, Cheers & VOTES!

After watching President Joe Biden’s bitchin’ State of the Union Address, Trump screams, has nightmares! Mar-a-Lago, 3 o’clock in the morning, jolting awake, Donald Trump screams. MELANIA Wake … Read more

The Many Shades of Marjorie Taylor Greene

The Many Shades of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Giving Marjorie Taylor some shade – it’s not easy being Greene! Yes, it’s not easy being Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, nor Americans who have to listen to her! If she isn’t your … Read more

February 2020 Cartoon Caption Contest Winners

February 2020 Cartoon Caption Contest Winners

Contest Winners Here are the Humor Times February 2020 Cartoon Caption Contest Winners. To enter the current contest, go to our Cartoon Caption Contest. Please share the contest … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Aquitters Never Win

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Aquitters Never Win

Aquitters who refuse to do their job should be fired! As the entire country watches, Republicans allow no witnesses. Am I nuts, or have we become a democrazy? … Read more
