Calming Psoriasis in an Election Year: Top 10 Remedies for The 4 Year Itch!

Calming Psoriasis in an Election Year: Top 10 Remedies for The 4 Year Itch!

Getting past imperfect election year Presidential & VP nominees & The 4 Year Itch! Top 10 Remedies to Calm Psoriasis in an Election Year! 10. Move to Canada! … Read more

Trump Screams in the Night after Watching Biden Get Laughs, Cheers & VOTES!

Trump Screams in the Night after Watching Biden Get Laughs, Cheers & VOTES!

After watching President Joe Biden’s bitchin’ State of the Union Address, Trump screams, has nightmares! Mar-a-Lago, 3 o’clock in the morning, jolting awake, Donald Trump screams. MELANIA Wake … Read more

These Two Presidents Had a Wayward Son…The Good, The Bad & The Funny!

These Two Presidents Had a Wayward Son…The Good, The Bad & The Funny!

  George Washington & Joe Biden have more in common than we think: a wayward son & crossing the Delaware! Our 1st President married Martha, a 27 year … Read more

The Many Shades of Marjorie Taylor Greene

The Many Shades of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Giving Marjorie Taylor some shade – it’s not easy being Greene! Yes, it’s not easy being Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, nor Americans who have to listen to her! If she isn’t your … Read more

Joe Biden Accused: ‘Stole Pen at Bank’ & Other Crimes

Joe Biden Accused: ‘Stole Pen at Bank’ & Other Crimes

Republicans James Comer and ‘Get off my lawn’ Grassley grasp for straws: Joe Biden accused of stealing the Lindbergh baby! Joe Biden accused of various & sundry crimes: … Read more

Donald O’Trump: Just a Lucky Guy!

Donald O’Trump: Just a Lucky Guy!

In Biden’s Garage, next to the Motor Oil is Trump’s Wet Dream, the Lucky Guy! Donald Trump is just a lucky guy, and his life right now is … Read more

Who Else Besides Elon Musk Is Being Tracked & Where to Find Them

Who Else Besides Elon Musk Is Being Tracked & Where to Find Them

Names in the News who may be on somebody’s radar & where to find them! Where to find them example – an easy one: WHO has mansions with … Read more

Joe Biden & a Plus One: Jiminy Cicadas First Overseas Trip: Part 3 Finale

Joe Biden & a Plus One: Jiminy Cicadas First Overseas Trip: Part 3 Finale

Vladimir Putin reveals his fetishes as Jiminy Cicadas listens-in & reports back to Joe Biden! PART 3: The Finale Taking notes per President Biden’s orders, Jiminy Cicadas hides … Read more
