Calming Psoriasis in an Election Year: Top 10 Remedies for The 4 Year Itch!

Calming Psoriasis in an Election Year: Top 10 Remedies for The 4 Year Itch!

Getting past imperfect election year Presidential & VP nominees & The 4 Year Itch! Top 10 Remedies to Calm Psoriasis in an Election Year! 10. Move to Canada! … Read more

Trump Admits to Banned Books Next to his Bed: Top 10!

Trump Admits to Banned Books Next to his Bed: Top 10!

Warning, Black Humor: proving Donald Trump will indeed have a Presidential Library… shelf! When she was living, Ivana Trump told her lawyer that Donald Trump kept Hitler speeches … Read more

Top 10 Giuliani Wish List Clauses Santa Can’t Refuse!

Top 10 Giuliani Wish List Clauses Santa Can’t Refuse!

American’s fallen Mayor, Rudy Giuliani seeks help from Santa with his big unrepentant Giuliani Wish List! Dear Santa, Okay, you caught me in a bad year!  Last year wasn’t so … Read more

Sen. Menendez: Top 10 Other Places to Get Rid of a Gold Bar!

Sen. Menendez: Top 10 Other Places to Get Rid of a Gold Bar!

$480,000 in cash, a new Mercedes car & shiny Gold Bar collection spray-painted pink to match the wallpaper is suspicious even in Jersey! Don’t you hate it when … Read more

Top 10 Reasons Michelangelo Said David’s Penis is So Small!

Top 10 Reasons Michelangelo Said David’s Penis is So Small!

Michelangelo: “I say, if it was any bigger – THAT would be pornography!” “Size doesn’t matter” says Michelangelo – and that should be carved in stone! Here’s an old … Read more

Top 10 Embarrassing Trump DNA Samples Taken

Top 10 Embarrassing Trump DNA Samples Taken

Breaking News – well, any day now! Like a cornered Lion, Trump’s lying in wait for his DNA samples to be taken, and his comeuppance and/or slap on … Read more

Trump at CPAC: ‘I Will Keep Men Out of Women’s Shorts (I Mean SPORTS) – Top 10 Promises!

Trump at CPAC: ‘I Will Keep Men Out of Women’s Shorts (I Mean SPORTS) – Top 10 Promises!

And 9 other pie-in-the-sky promises from Donald Trump at CPAC! Donald Trump at CPAC gave the closing speech, saying ‘this is my final battle’ & ‘I will prevent … Read more

Giddy Grand Jury Foreperson Emily Kohrs Speaks! Top 10 Trump Phone Calls

Giddy Grand Jury Foreperson Emily Kohrs Speaks! Top 10 Trump Phone Calls

Trump’s gift that keeps on giving: Grand Jury Foreperson Emily Kohrs didn’t just fall off a turnip truck & hit her head – she remembers all his phone … Read more
