My Conundrum: A New Job or a Trip to Australia?

My Conundrum: A New Job or a Trip to Australia?

Typos or Koala Bears in Australia – what would you do? In 1983 while living in Hawaii on my husband’s 3 year tour, I finally got a part-time job … Read more

Cash Poor & Balls in Hand, Trump Comes Home to Melania!

Cash Poor & Balls in Hand, Trump Comes Home to Melania!

After losing $83.3 Million in cash to E. Jean Carroll, Trump comes home to Melania, shares his financial plan! Listen in as Donald Trump comes home to Melania, … Read more

Trump Admits to Banned Books Next to his Bed: Top 10!

Trump Admits to Banned Books Next to his Bed: Top 10!

Warning, Black Humor: proving Donald Trump will indeed have a Presidential Library… shelf! When she was living, Ivana Trump told her lawyer that Donald Trump kept Hitler speeches … Read more

Top 10 Giuliani Wish List Clauses Santa Can’t Refuse!

Top 10 Giuliani Wish List Clauses Santa Can’t Refuse!

American’s fallen Mayor, Rudy Giuliani seeks help from Santa with his big unrepentant Giuliani Wish List! Dear Santa, Okay, you caught me in a bad year!  Last year wasn’t so … Read more

Analyzing Pinocchio, Woodn’t You?

Analyzing Pinocchio, Woodn’t You?

Analyzing Pinocchio: Losing his cred as the biggest liar, Pinocchio lies down on the shrink’s couch! Listen in to the soul-searching session analyzing Pinocchio led by Dr. Gotwood: DR. … Read more

White House Plumbers Number Not on Trump’s Speed Dial!

White House Plumbers Number Not on Trump’s Speed Dial!

The “White House Plumbers” didn’t unclog Trump’s golden toilet. But someday we’ll be watching “Donald Trump’s 7 Year Scandal.” No, these plumbers didn’t unclog Trump’s golden toilet. They … Read more

How Much is a Lie Worth in the Dating Game?

How Much is a Lie Worth in the Dating Game?

$787.5 million for lies? What about Dating Lies? According to my study, they have different values: One-offs & Whoppers! It’s time for Online Daters to stop the dating … Read more

‘Rats’ The Musical: NYC Vermin Go to Hollywood!

‘Rats’ The Musical: NYC Vermin Go to Hollywood!

Screenwriters Brad & Peach Pitt take their ‘Rats’ script and fly 5th Class to seek their fortunes & restrooms along the Hollywood Walk of Fame somewhere between Dolly … Read more

Ginni Thomas Bountiful Thanksgiving Table – Pass the Gravitas!

Ginni Thomas Bountiful Thanksgiving Table – Pass the Gravitas!

Recused from other Thanksgiving dinner invitations, listen in as Clarence & Ginni Thomas chat intimately at their table. Listen in as Clarence & Ginni Thomas chat at their … Read more
