This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Unqualified Immunity

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Unqualified Immunity

Donald Trump should be given unqualified immunity from the presidency. Trump vows to get even if it destroys the country. Republicans refuse to step on lunatic attack toes. … Read more

Want Environmental Progress? Follow the Kids

One breakthrough for environmental progress was made recently by young climate activists in deep-red, rural Montana. “OK, boomer.” That’s a snarky phrase currently some use to mock 60- … Read more

Why Should We the People Respect a Court That Disrespects the People?

How can we respect a court that has needlessly, dangerously and rather ludicrously become a black-robed autocracy? When Supreme Court member Justice Samuel Alito’s secret plan for canceling … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Scum Together

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Scum Together

Republicans scum together over Trump. Republican conspiracies hatch in surrection nests. The GOP serves a complicit tea. Fascists want the right to control all of US. Liars live … Read more

Republican Supremes Defrocking Themselves

The extremist Republican Supremes now in control have been busy denying that they are a bunch of partisan hacks. Too bad they actually are! Ralph Waldo Emerson told … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: An Unconventional Convention

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: An Unconventional Convention

The Republican’s convention lies in their contention. When it comes to giving speeches, Trump has always toad the line. The President’s big “hit” song: Damagin’ (All the People). … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Trump: A Real “Whoretime” President

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Trump: A Real “Whoretime” President

The president often exhibits temper rally insanity. You tell lies to utilize… corruption! A flawed fraud offends God. Too many leaders have throne their souls away. Don’t be … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: The Uninvited Guess

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: The Uninvited Guess

An ignorant, unwanted and uninvited guess plagues U.S. If you don’t mind, please don’t tell me what you think. How stupid is Trump? How dark is black? If … Read more
