This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Scum Together

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Scum Together

Republicans scum together over Trump. Republican conspiracies hatch in surrection nests. The GOP serves a complicit tea. Fascists want the right to control all of US. Liars live … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: F.U. King Anus!

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: F.U. King Anus!

You Midas well call him “King Anus” since everything he touches turns to shit! No doubt about it, we’re now living in the Trump error. The Justice Department’s … Read more

Trump to Open Luxury “Fat-Farm” Resort in North Korea

Trump to Open Luxury “Fat-Farm” Resort in North Korea

“Fat-farm” resort paradise set to open next spring Donald Trump today announced plans for a luxury “fat-farm” vacation property in North Korea to be opened early next year. … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Trumputin’s $yrian Conspiracy

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Trumputin’s $yrian Conspiracy

Trumputin’s scheme: concur and divide? For whaT REASON was Trump Putin office? Fools Russian where patriots fear to tread. Vladimerely wants to destroy our democracy. The US withdrawal from … Read more

Rescue Your Sanity in the Age of Trump with the Humor Times Free App!

Rescue Your Sanity in the Age of Trump with the Humor Times Free App!

Now available on the Humor Times “News in Cartoons” free app, the latest edition: “Conspiracy Theory.” In the latest edition of the News in Cartoons Humor Times free … Read more
