Source of MAGA support: RFK’s brain worm offers his explanation.
In a recent secret interview with a leading neuroscientist, this reporter learned that she had uncovered an explanation and likely factor underlying the attraction to Trump of the majority of MAGA supporters, particularly those on the extreme Right.

The doctor explained that she became curious after RFK Jr.’s brain worm was made public. She noted that no one in his very large family shared his extreme views on vaccines or a myriad of extreme conspiracy theories that he holds. This ruled out both nature and nurture.
The one remaining difference between RFK Jr. and the rest of the Kennedy clan appeared to be the presence of the worm eating portions of his brain. It was likely a trichomoniasis parasite he acquired from eating too many slightly pink pork chops. The parasite probably chowed down on portions of his frontal lobe, interfering with rational thinking and making things like pizzagate and the sexual predators in the dark state seen reasonable. He became a perfect candidate for QAnon.
To test her theory, she interviewed and provided brain CT scans for people in areas with a high ratio of pork eaters, that is, primarily in the South and Middle America. She was careful to include as many hog farmers as possible.
She measured the amount of pork they ate per month, whether they held various conspiracy theories, and whether they were MAGA supporters. Her findings were startling, providing an interesting explanation.
The greater the amount of pork consumed, the greater the likelihood of the CT scan being positive for a live or dead worm/parasite. Furthermore, those with the parasite, living or dead, were 50 times more likely to embrace conspiracy theories than those without a brain parasite. The most striking finding, however, was that all of those with a positive CT brain scan, that is, had a live or dead brain parasite, identified as MAGA supporters in contrast to those with a negative brain scan.!
This has led the researcher to look for funding to conduct a follow-up study of members of Congress, especially Marjorie Taylor Greene and Trump himself.
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