“This isn’t the kind of ‘stoned’ I’m used to,” said Miley Cyrus, sticking out her tongue and pointing to the crowd
The private jet of Miley Cyrus, the young formerly squeaky clean Mouseketeer turned rich white trash singer, developed electrical problems flying back from a concert in India and was forced to make an emergency landing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The plane was to have been down for only four hours for repair, but Cyrus was picked up by the Moral Police for indecency when she started singing and strutting her stuff at the airport to entertain her roadies and passers by.

Taking off her blouse while wearing a see-through bra with rhinestones at anatomically strategic spots didn’t help matters any, although it did help some young Saudi boys gain a greater understanding of the female body that until this moment in their lives had been only hearsay.
Other Saudis in the terminal were so outraged by Miley Cyrus’ sexually provocative exhibition that they joined with the Moral Police and dragged her out to the tarmac and had her immediately stoned (and we don’t mean the type of stoned that she normally gets after a concert). It should be noted that her agent stated that enough amateur footage was made of her last ‘performance’ by eye-witnesses to make one last video of her for her fans.
A similar incident occurred last month when Madonna’s plane had to land in Kandahar Afghanistan due to an oil leak. The famed pop singer was immediately accosted by the Taliban simply for emitting sexual vibes in public.
She fortunately fared better than Cyrus, although the singer who is famous for continuously exposing various amounts of her fine flesh in very creative ways is now forced to wear a burqa to survive. It has been rumored that she has been married off to an opium farmer way out in the hinterlands who has never owned or even seen a TV so he doesn’t know that she is the most famous near-whore in the world.
She is now wife number 8 to the gentlemen, but through very Madonna-like ways has managed to work her way up to the number one spot.
Meanwhile, in a related story, Brittany Spears jet developed engine trouble over the Arabian Sea and needed to make an emergency landing in Yemen. Ms. Spears, aware of the fates of her two contemporaries, stood on her seat shrieking “Ditch it in the ocean! Ditch it in the ocean!”
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