News in Cartoons: Donald Trump – Yuuuge!

Donald Trump takes on the entire Republican presidential candidate field and blows ’em away

This page on the rise of Donald Trump in the Republican primaries is an excerpt from an issue of the Humor Times magazine. The monthly publication is available in print or digital formats, all over the world. Get the FREE News in Cartoons Humor Times app for more funny news stories like this! (So far only available for Android devices — stay tuned for the roll out of our iOS and other apps).

The biggest star of the circus rolled on…

Donald Trump

swatting away the competition like flies.

Donald Trump

He seemingly could do no wrong…

and has never lacked in self-esteem.

His immigration policy was quite popular…

but establishment Repubs had a problem with him.

It wasn’t all bad, though…

and there were some theories about what was really going on behind the scenes.

See more in our “News in Cartoons” series here. Get the ‘News in Cartoons‘ app here (so far only available for Android devices — stay tuned for the roll out of our iOS and other apps).

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