‘Who Said It?’ The Game Where Words (& Audio Tapes) Matter

Who Said It

Step right up & test your memory (and sense of humor) with a few real quotes from the trial. Play “Who Said It?” right now!

It seems everyone & their Puppet has taken a peek into the sensational Johnny Depp/Amber Heard defamation trial, while the Jurors are out deliberating their verdict…

…even Pinocchio said, “WTF…it’s The Bickersons on Crack”!

Who Said It

Yes, as Johnny Depp’s lawyer so eloquently opined, ‘Words do matter’ & I seconded that with, 

“Pirate Jack Sparrow rises from the Poop Deck”!

I guess that’s why she gets the big bucks!  haha

Here’s just a few real quotes from this trial where You get to guess Who Said It?

“I wasn’t punching you – I was hitting you”!

Was it AMBER HEARD or Sugar Ray Leonard?

“I wanted nothing”!

Was it AMBER HEARD or Melania Trump?

“Isn’t Happy Hour any time”?

Was it JOHNNY DEPP or Paul Pelosi?

Sorry, my bad!  Come back here!

“He was jealous & demanding”!

Was it ELLEN BARKIN or Olive Oyl?


“On my side of the bed was human fecal matter”!

Was it JOHNNY DEPP or Secretariat?


“I may be wearing Make-Up on this occasion – but you’ll always be short”!

Was it AMBER HEARD or Oliver Hardy?

And, Who Said It:

“My Dog stepped on a Bee”!

Was it AMBER HEARD or Martha Stewart?

Who Said It

For more laughs on this Trial check out:






Marilyn Sands