If You Drain the Swamp, Where Do the Swamp Critters Go?

Donald Trump bragged in June that he’s making good on his promise to “drain the swamp.” But, where did all those swamp critters go? Donald Trump bragged in … Read more

‘Junk Food’ is Fake News, Say Trump Lobbyists

‘Junk Food’ is Fake News, Say Trump Lobbyists

Food industry lobbyists reject still more mainstream science: report says there’s no such thing as “junk food.” The Trump administration’s current representatives for infant health, general nutrition and … Read more

As We Gape at the Trump Sideshow, Corporations Are Picking Our Pockets

We have been captured by the mesmerizing All Things Trump sideshow — while we are being robbed blind. As America rapidly urbanized in the 1920s and ’30s, nearly … Read more
