Palin Heals the Sick, Raises GOP from the Dead

Social media
The Humor Times founder/publisher/editor/writer may wear a lot of hats, but he likes it that way. Still, his favorite job is writing fake news articles. He is also a musician and songwriter, who plays guitar, mandolin and harmonica, with several CDs to his credit.
James Israel
Social media

Says she’s ready to bring peace & prosperity to world WASILLA, AK – Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who many Republicans hail as the second coming of the Virgin … Read more

Defeating Wasp Army Living In Pillows Top Issue Among Schizophrenic Voters

J Crock is a veteran newsman with over 50 years experience who doesn't understand why his serious attempts at reporting the news keep winding up on the comedy section of this publication. He spends his days imploring the editors to cease making a mockery of his craft, his nights filled with rage and one day very soon, he will have his revenge. Oh, yes… he'll have his revenge.
J Crock

Pillow wasps major concern for many voters. A survey released today by the Getty Research Institute found that schizophrenic voters are most concerned about a growing army of … Read more
