Palin Heals the Sick, Raises GOP from the Dead

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The Humor Times founder/publisher/editor/writer may wear a lot of hats, but he likes it that way. Still, his favorite job is writing fake news articles. He is also a musician and songwriter, who plays guitar, mandolin and harmonica, with several CDs to his credit.
James Israel
Social media

Says she’s ready to bring peace & prosperity to world WASILLA, AK – Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who many Republicans hail as the second coming of the Virgin … Read more

Republicans Promote “Giant Dome” Bill

Republicans Promote “Giant Dome” Bill
Social media
The Humor Times founder/publisher/editor/writer may wear a lot of hats, but he likes it that way. Still, his favorite job is writing fake news articles. He is also a musician and songwriter, who plays guitar, mandolin and harmonica, with several CDs to his credit.
James Israel
Social media

A Humor Times Special Report Republicans stood in lock-step recently to filibuster S.3036, the Climate Change Bill, saying they had “a better idea.” “Democrats think in terms of … Read more
