Tom Paine: What a Guy!

The greatest of America’s “Founding Fathers” was none other than Tom Paine. In my view, the greatest of America’s “Founding Fathers” was not George Washington or Thomas Jefferson … Read more

The Health Care Industry’s Medical Debt Rip-Off

The health care industry has been encouraging medical debt, hooking folks up with long-term medical payment plans. While our doctors, nurses and technicians are among the best in … Read more

Corporations Win Olympic Gold in ‘Downhill Ethical Backflip’

The collective ethical backflip has been quite impressive: from the high ethical bar of human rights into the pits of crass, unprincipled commercialism. By far the top team … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Keep US “Standing Tall” in a Resist Stance!

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Keep US “Standing Tall” in a Resist Stance!

Dissed? Pissed? Resist! Trump sales his boast as it rapidly sinks into the swamp. Debunk the punk, impeach the leech, and put the scammer in the slammer! Crooks … Read more
