Trump Criteria for Cabinet Members Revealed

Trump Criteria for Cabinet Members Revealed
Diane de Anda is a third generation Latina and retired UCLA professor. Tired of cranking out technical articles in a "publish or perish" atmosphere, she now spends most of her time writing adult fiction, children's books, parody, and satire.Her weapon of choice is the limerick, aimed with humor and a touch of malice at society's icons, celebrities, politicians, and other irritating folk.
Diane de Anda

Transition team having a hard time finding eligible cabinet candidates The selection of Trump’s cabinet may be very slow going, as trying to find candidates that meet the … Read more

Trump Transition Team: Minutes from Last Meeting Leaked

Trump Transition Team: Minutes from Last Meeting Leaked
Author at
Richard Klin is a writer based in New York's Hudson Valley. His novel, Petroleum Transfer Engineer, was published by Underground Voices. He also wrote Something to Say (Leapfrog Press), a series of profiles of various artists discussing the intersection of art and politics, and Abstract Expressionism for Beginners. His work has been featured in NPR's All Things Considered and has appeared in the Brooklyn Rail, the Forward, Akashic Books's Thursdaze series, January, and others.
Richard Klin

In this exclusive report, we bring you leaked minutes from the Trump transition team. Far-ranging discussion with the Boss and entire management team about White House toilet paper; … Read more
