Hey, Kids, Let’s Go to DeSantis World!

Florida’s autocratic governor has put Disney World under the control of his thought police, turning it into “DeSantis World.” Until recently, kids were thrilled when their parents said: … Read more

Trump, Suffering ‘Rally-Withdrawal’ Symptoms, Addresses Pro-Trump Turkeys

Trump, Suffering ‘Rally-Withdrawal’ Symptoms, Addresses Pro-Trump Turkeys

President attends rally of pro-Trump turkeys to offset “rally-withdrawal” side-effects. Fighting the effects of “rally-withdrawal” symptoms due to social distancing guidelines, President Donald Trump today addressed an enthusiastic … Read more

Weather Map Doodler Not Yet Found: Trump Has an Inkling!

Weather Map Doodler Not Yet Found: Trump Has an Inkling!

Donald Trump draws attention to his penmanship in weather map doodler mystery! Yesterday, during a rare emergency session, the House of Representatives voted against all Sharpies sold, until … Read more
