Crazy Like a Fox? Or Just Batsh*t Crazy?

Crazy Like a Fox? Or Just Batsh*t Crazy?

‘Vlad the Terrible’ will go down in hiss-tory with this Top 10 in the footnotes! Clues that convince me he’s not “Crazy Like a Fox,” just Crackers! C’mon … Read more

‘Dr. Seuss Prophecies’ Revealed for First Time

‘Dr. Seuss Prophecies’ Revealed for First Time

Newly discovered Dr. Seuss prophecies: chillingly accurate. A brand-new and never-before-seen compilation of Dr. Seuss poetry and prose, “The Dr. Seuss Prophecies,” has recently been unearthed by well-known … Read more

What’s it Gonna Take to Invoke the 25th Amendment? Top 10!

What’s it Gonna Take to Invoke the 25th Amendment? Top 10!

The 25th Amendment is still an option & here’s how… Trump’s defensive fight or flight antics lately would make even Stonewall Jackson rollover in his grave – but … Read more
