Who Else in History Jumped On Stage to Disrupt the Show?

Who Else in History Jumped On Stage to Disrupt the Show?

To make the ‘Disrupter of the Year’ feel less guilty, here’s a Top 10 List of historical characters who also jumped on stage! Actors Will Smith & John … Read more

Ripping The Headlines Today, 4/5/22

Ripping The Headlines Today, 4/5/22

Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news, including that about Putin’s long meeting table, doesn’t need to be complicated and confusing; that’s … Read more

‘Chris The Rock’ to Face ‘Will Smite-Thee Smith’ in Rematch!

‘Chris The Rock’ to Face ‘Will Smite-Thee Smith’ in Rematch!

In this corner, undisputed comic ‘Chris the Rock’ Faces ‘Battlin’ Will Smite-Thee Smith’ in a rematch with New Rules! Rematch: Undisputed Comic Chris Rock & Academy Award Winning … Read more

Ripping the Headlines Today, 3/29/22

Ripping the Headlines Today, 3/29/22

Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news, even that about Will Smith smacking Chris Rock at the Oscars, doesn’t need to be … Read more

Top 10 Other Things I, Will Smith, Slapped Chris Rock For!

Top 10 Other Things I, Will Smith, Slapped Chris Rock For!

When he slapped Chris Rock, it was the slap heard ’round the world, giving Will Smith first dibs as the new James Bond! Or ‘The Thrilla from Manila’ … Read more

Ripping the Headlines Today, 11/16/21

Ripping the Headlines Today, 11/16/21

Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news, even that about Big Bird, doesn’t need to be complicated and confusing; that’s what any … Read more
